Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Looking Good! Survey Results are Positive

Feedback Forum
You like it! We had a good response to the brief opinion surveys placed around the library’s main floor recently. The goal was to gain feedback regarding our experiment with some physical changes that greeted students for the 2013 semester.

Overall, you seem to enjoy the aesthetically pleasing layout of furnishings and new carpeting that were part of the winter update. Our patrons also offered some interesting opinions and suggestions that can help us plan for future arrangements. Actually, feel free to share your thoughts anytime!

Here’s an overview of what you told us. The results are listed in order of popularity:

Your first impression of the changes on the main floor:
* The look is welcoming, warm and inviting. It’s really nice!
* The layout is more practical and conducive to group study.
* Clean and bright, feels roomier.
* Neat and attractive, more organized.

What was mostly liked about the updates?
* The tables by the windows with open views.
* The quiet area in the back for studying and concentration.
* Chair clusters of comfortable furniture, good for group discussions.
* Open floor plan.
What was mostly disliked?
Andruss Library, Main Floor
* Feels too secluded along back wall.
* Not enough group areas.
* Not enough private areas.

Some suggestions for future changes are:
* More electrical outlets and accessibility.
* More computers, faster computers.
* Bring in more comfortable furniture.
* Supply more group study rooms during finals.

The most common response was…
* No improvement needed, happy with it as is!
We received 35 surveys in 5 days, and 148 total comments were compiled. Thanks to all that responded!

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